Universal has been wanting to get a remake of Creature From the Black Lagoon off the ground for a while, but it's the one Universal monster project that never really seems to move forward. That may change, as a new writer has been hired to work on the remake.
THR reports that Dave Kajganich is the writer brought on board and he has a number of genre scripts under his belt. Previously, he worked on The Invasion and Blood Creek, and he's writing remakes of Stephen King's IT and Pet Sematary. It is said that he'll be working on a brand new take on the material, as opposed to working on any previously commissioned scripts.
Strike Entertainment's Eric Newman and Marc Abraham are producing, along with Gary Ross and Allison Thomas of Larger Than Life Productions. This project is at the very early development stages, so no director is attached, but we'll keep an eye out for any updates that are announced.