Back in 2014, a teaser video was released for Silent Hills, which would have been a collaboration between video game designer Hideo Kojima, writer/director Guillermo del Toro, and actor Norman Reedus. While that project never came to fruition, Kojima, Reedus, and del Toro instead teamed up on a new video game called Death Stranding. Teased in a trippy trailer at The Game Awards last year, Kojima Productions did not disappoint at this year's TGA, revealing an even more unsettlingly psychedelic look at Kojima's ambitious project.
With this year's Game Awards ceremony underway at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, Kojima Productions unveiled the new trailer for Death Stranding online, giving viewers an eight-minute-long look at the mysterious video game that stars Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelsen, and del Toro.
Of the aforementioned three, only Reedus appears in this trailer along with several other humans who have just suffered a terrible vehicle accident in a strange land. Things only get stranger from there, though, as Reedus' character evades invisible creatures, shields a fetus from a massive explosion, and vomits bugs that scuttle away into the air. And then there are other disturbing events to consider, like the violent self-stabbings mid-air and a deadly black fluid that slithers across the ground in search of its next victim.
It's a decidedly creepy and otherworldly trailer that brings up way more questions than answers, but it ultimately should leave gamers wishing that Death Stranding could be in their stockings this holiday season. Alas, Kojima's latest game still doesn't have a release date, but it is expected to come out on the PlayStation 4 sometime in 2018.
Until then, you can watch the new trailer below. But as Reedus' character warns his comrade, you may not want to breathe... at least during the parts when those invisible monsters show up.