It's still celebrated for many reasons—the iconic "spider head," the nerve-wracking copper wire test, the eclectic characters, and the isolation and paranoia that they feel—and with June 25th marking 35 years since John Carpenter's The Thing hit theaters, the Corpse Club thought it was the perfect time to discuss the seminal 1982 remake on the latest episode of Daily Dead's new podcast.

Titled "35 Years of John Carpenter's THE THING," episode 5 of Corpse Club features co-hosts Heather Wixson, Patrick Bromley, Scott Drebit, and Derek Anderson. This time around, the team discusses what they like (and even don't like) about John Carpenter's The Thing, the groundbreaking special effects by Rob Bottin, the movie's growing legacy since its initial release in theaters, and how the film ranks among some of the best remakes ever made.

Upcoming episodes of Corpse Club will continue to see a shakeup of the host lineup and format, featuring additional members of the Daily Dead team, as well as special guests from all corners of the horror entertainment world.

This is the beginning of a new era for Daily Dead, and we couldn't be more excited to share Corpse Club with our online community of passionate horror lovers!

You can listen to our fifth episode right now on iTunes, Google Play, and SoundCloud, and look for our next episode to awaken from its tomb soon!

Missed out on our first three episodes? The cemetery gate is always open. Come in (if you dare) and listen now: Corpse Club Episode 1: Welcome to the Corpse Club, Corpse Club Episode 2: The Past, Present, and Future of ALIEN, and Corpse Club Episode 3: "Horrigins" – A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, and Corpse Club Episode 4: Tom Cruise & Universal's Dark Universe.

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