During the airing of The Walking Dead Season 2, AMC was giving away trips to the Season 3 premiere, but we thought readers would like their newest contest even better. Not only will the winner attend the Season 3 premiere and meet the cast, but you get to have KNB EFX create a zombie bust based on your likeness:

"Attention The Walking Dead fans: Be one of the first to see the premiere of Season 3 and experience your very own zombie transformation! The Walking Dead Premiere Sweepstakes will award one lucky fan a trip for two to Los Angeles to attend the Season 3 Premiere, a meet-and-greet session with the cast and a visit to Greg Nicotero's KNB EFX studio -- where his makeup team will create a one-of-a-kind bust of you as one of the walking dead. Entering is easy: Just fill out the entry form at thewalkingdeadpremiere.com between now and Fri., Jun. 15 at 5/4c."

To enter, visit: http://www.thewalkingdeadpremiere.com/


Catch up on our recent coverage of The Walking Dead Season 3 with the following articles:

Source: AMC
  • Jonathan James
    About the Author - Jonathan James

    After spending more than 10 years as a consultant in the tech and entertainment industry, Jonathan James launched Daily Dead in 2010 to share his interest in horror and sci-fi. Since then, it has grown into an online magazine with a staff of writers that provide daily news, reviews, interviews, and special features.

    As the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Dead, Jonathan is responsible for bringing the latest horror news to millions of readers from around the world. He is also consulted with as an expert on zombies in entertainment and pop culture, providing analyses of the zombie sub-genre to newspapers, radio stations, and convention attendees.