AMC's Q&A series for The Walking Dead continues with Josh McDermitt, who recently joined the TV series at Eugene Porter. While he doesn't reveal what Eugene knows about saving the world from zombies, he does talk about his new mullet, being a fan of the series, and hanging out with the cast:

via AMC "Q: This is your first season on the show. What about The Walking Dead appealed to you?

A: The Walking Dead was my favorite show before I even auditioned for it. That’s every actor’s dream, to be on a show that they’re a fan of. It’s just dark, and as a comedian I’m drawn to dark things.

Q: Is there room for comedy in the apocalypse?

A: I think there can be some humor, but it needs to be subtle. I’m not sure that’s what draws people to a show like The Walking Dead. I talked to some of the writers about this, because one of them came up to me after a scene and was like, “Oh my god, that was so funny.” And I was scared! I’m not trying to make it funny. She was like, “No, no, no. It’s great. It works.” So as long as it’s grounded and it’s real, there’s a little room for it.

Q: Eugene’s mullet has become a defining character trait. Are you as connected to it as the fans?

A: I feel like Samson when I don’t have my mullet in — like I’ve lost all my power. Once it clips in, man, it’s like I’m back. People have to respect the mullet. On set, we all joke about it. The hair people, they call it the “Mullet of Life.” And every once and a while the mullet takes on a life of its own and it will bite you. If you’re walking too close to the mullet, and like eating a sandwich, the mullet will try and take a bite of your sandwich. It has its own mind.

Q: Who’s the funniest person on set besides yourself?

A: Steven and I really get along, and we tend to make each other laugh. One person I haven’t worked with yet, who I find hilarious, is Chad Coleman. I can’t even describe what it is. We were having dinner the other night, and he’s just like Tyreese. He’s just a big monster of a man, drinking this small, little cappuccino and it’s a thimble in his hands. He was just being fun and I was laughing so hard at everything he was saying. Michael Cudlitz makes me laugh, too. We spent a lot of time together living in a hotel. I kind of feel like he’s me in fifteen years. Every time he says something, I agree. The more you’re around him the more he cracks you up. We spend all our time together. Where we shoot, there’s like 90 miles of golf cart paths, so we just take walks and talk."


To read the rest of the Q&A head over to the official website for The Walking Dead Season 4. You can catch up on our coverage by visiting the following links:

Source: AMC
  • Jonathan James
    About the Author - Jonathan James

    After spending more than 10 years as a consultant in the tech and entertainment industry, Jonathan James launched Daily Dead in 2010 to share his interest in horror and sci-fi. Since then, it has grown into an online magazine with a staff of writers that provide daily news, reviews, interviews, and special features.

    As the Editor-in-Chief of Daily Dead, Jonathan is responsible for bringing the latest horror news to millions of readers from around the world. He is also consulted with as an expert on zombies in entertainment and pop culture, providing analyses of the zombie sub-genre to newspapers, radio stations, and convention attendees.