During this season of The Walking Dead, we've been highlighting many of the show's young actors and actresses, and our exclusive Q&A series continues with Meyrick Murphy, who plays Meghan Chambler. Continue reading to learn what she had to say about joining The Walking Dead, working with David Morrissey, and hanging out with zombies:

Thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. Can you tell us how you became involved with The Walking Dead? Was there an audition? Can you tell us about your experience?

Meyrick Murphy: Aww, thank you! One day my agent sent a script along with a ton of NDA's (nondisclosure agreements) and told me I was taping an audition for The Walking Dead. I did the audition and a few weeks went by. I didn’t think anything really came of it but then I got a callback!

At the callback, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I told them I wanted to be an astrophysicist. They all laughed and said that was a good choice. I thought that was the reason they gave me the part. But then Greg Nicotero said he wanted me because, “I had talent and awesome shoes.” (I was wearing my lucky, knee-high Converse.) I loved the whole experience.

The Walking Dead features quite a few gruesome scenes. Is it a show that you were allowed to watch before you got the role? What excited you the most about joining the cast?

Meyrick Murphy: Well, after I got the role I watched the first episode through my fingers. It was kind of creepy, but the acting was phenomenal. When I met Andy Lincoln, he said it was good that I watched it through my fingers because it was so scary!

I’m always excited to join a cast, but this one was really super-friendly and welcomed me like I was part of the family.

You got to share a number of scenes with David Morrissey. What did you enjoy most about working with him?

Meyrick Murphy: I LOVED working with David!!! He is an amazing actor. He didn’t talk too much about acting to me, though. We talked about—drumroll please—The Beatles! He’s from Liverpool, so he knows all about them. On my last day, I gave him a picture I drew of him as the fifth member of the Beatles. He loved it! But just working with him taught me so much about great acting.

You're surrounded by many experienced and talented actors on The Walking Dead. Has this experience helped you become a better actress? What have you learned from them?

Meyrick Murphy: I think so. I definitely learned a lot from Alanna Masterson and David Morrisey because they have been in this business for so long. Alanna was like a sister to me. She taught me how to read a script—and she taught me how to deal with my older brother.

There are multiple scenes where your character is attacked or running away from zombies. Were those scenes difficult or scary to film?

Meyrick Murphy: Well, I actually spent most of my time on set talking with the zombies. They were so nice that I wasn’t at all scared. It was difficult to film my scenes with them because I had to pretend to be scared of my new friends. I do miss getting attacked by zombies once a week . . .

Can you share with us one of your favorite on-set experiences? Is there a funny story or favorite moment that comes to mind?

Meyrick Murphy: Hmmm . . . My favorite moment was when Nichole Beattie and I went to crafty and got some shaved ice and met everyone. We talked about astrophysics and watched Hershel fight a zombie while we ate our frosty treats.

Many of The Walking Dead's young actresses appear at conventions to interact with fans. Is that something you'll be doing this year?

Meyrick Murphy: It’s definitely something I would like to do. It seems like it would be fun to meet people who just love the show!

Do you have any other projects coming up besides The Walking Dead? I see that you recently worked on Anyone's Ghost. What can you tell us about that?

Meyrick Murphy: Well, I worked on a pilot for the USA Network called The Novice, but we don’t know if they’re going to pick it up yet. I also recently did a Christmas film called Jingle Belle. Anyone’s Ghost was so much fun to film because the character was a lot like me.

Is there anything else you'd like to share with our readers? Where can our readers follow you online?

Meyrick Murphy: If you start up the stairs to success with a mask that covers who you are and you stumble and fall, take off the mask and climb right back up as the person you truly are. Be your one-of-a-kind self and you will succeed.

You can follow me on Twitter: @MeyrickMurphy, Instagram: MeyrickMurphy, and Facebook: Meyrick Murphy


We have more exclusive coverage of The Walking Dead on the way, so check back soon. Until then, here's a list of our recent coverage highlights: